Available for TF350 & W240 Models!
Details have been released this past week regarding the latest round of Government funding for farming, horticultural and forestry businesses in England, known as the Farming Equipment and Technology Fund (FETF) 2023. We are excited to announce that two of our machines are now applicable to the new FETF grants for 2023, our W240 weed wiper and our TF350 Sheep Snacker for all businesses within England.
Applications for grants can be made for the specific products below under 2 themes:
W240 Weed Wiper: Productivity and Slurry items (application window opens towards end of February).
Code Number: FETF215
Grant Amount Up to maximum: £1,980 per unit
TF350 Sheep Snacker: Animal Health and Welfare items (application window opens in March).
Code number: FETF237A
Grant Amount Approx: £1068
Applications can be made for either theme, or both. The grant is competitive, and applicants will not automatically get a grant. The success of application(s) will depend on the number and value of applications received.

How to Apply
Full details of the fund and how to apply can be found here:
For any other questions please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us at [email protected]
The Chapman Machinery Team